“Eternal Employment” — brainchild of Swedish artists Simon Goldin and Jakob Senneby, is set to take place inside a Gothenburg train station, with the backing of the Swedish Transport Administration. “Whatever the employee chooses to do constitutes the work,” reads the artists’ proposal. “What Eternal Employment proposes … is an anti-performance of indefinite duration. A single person with no script, no climax, no crescendo. Forever.” The project is being explored “as an act of economic imagination” according to this article in Atlas Obscura. “While [the artists] don’t see this kind of undefined job as a vision of the future, they imagine a ‘point of reference for the future.’ ”
For more on metamodern art as social commentary, check out our Report From the Field: Depthiness at the Seattle Art Fair, or consider this novel twist on communication in the age of social media: SOMEBODY.