Linda Ceriello is a scholar and a contemplative type who likes to think about how popular culture influences and reflects contemporary religious/spiritual/mystical/non-ordinary experiences, among other questions of meaning. She received her PhD in Comparative Religions at Rice University in 2018. She can often be found on Vashon Island, Washington or in Winston-Salem, North Carolina teaching on topics including the Spiritual-but-Not-Religious, awe and wonder, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer (each regarded as manifestations of metamodernism). She’s currently working on the book version of her dissertation (Metamodern Mysticisms: Narrative Encounters with Contemporary Western Secular Spiritualities). See Linda’s scholarly work at
Greg Dember is a writer, musician, and computer programmer living in Seattle. He received his B.A. in psychology from Yale University, where he also studied literature. His recent intellectual preoccupations (beyond metamodernism) include questions about identity and consciousness, e.g. how people project narrative/self-hood onto other humans, animals, and objects. Musically, Greg records and performs as a “post-genre singer-songwriter” and sometimes plays in other people’s bands. The computer programmer part is how he earns his keep.
See Greg’s online business card at gregdember.com.